Saturday, August 17, 2013

The Daily Write: On the sidewalk (August 17, 2013)

Writing Prompt: On the sidewalk

Oof, so heavy. Dark. A shoe falls, no crushes, me. It's the fat man with the big shadow. He comes every day at this time, and then again at night which is sometimes dark and other times light depending on how hot or cold I feel. His shoes change too, but not his thumping gait. He is a monster of a man. Not like the light little tapping lady that skitters along after him. Her heels are delightfully clicky. She brings out my glitter, makes it sound better. And her little prints are so pretty. She has a lot more of them than him. Her shadow is a lot shorter.
I don't like the gum. It feels thick and it never comes off, instead it wares into me until it is mistaken for something more solid. The only good news is that once in a while the person with the huge heavy tail that squirts water washes it off. That's the best really, when all the patches of people, their weight, clicks, clods and shadows go away and it's just the one with the water, sloughing off everything that isn't genuinely me.

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