Wednesday, July 18, 2012

The Daily Write: The Oscars (February 28, 2012. 12 minutes)

The Oscars

Pushing her way back to her apartment, Rose reflected on the many men she had known. In her day, she was quite the catch, not that she was easily caught, not even by the strangely coincidental string of Oscars. Oscar Villanueva. Oscar DeLaurentis. Oscar Tom (two first names, she couldn't decide if it was endearing or just plain creepy), and Oscar Madison. That she couldn't think of them without a package of pink hot dogs popping into her mind was either a sign that the dementia had finally set in, or that she hadn't lost her dirty mind. Or maybe both. She chuckled to herself and took a corner, almost cutting off Henry's son Jasper who, unlike his free loving name, was as dull and clean cut as you could get. Accountant. Or Banker. No life in that one.
"Oh, I'm sorry ma'am, I was just looking for my father." Rose smiled as the alternative to punching him in the face. If there was one name she couldn't obliged being called, "ma'am" was it.
"Who's that again?" she asked, feigning forgetfulness. She thought it might get rid of him faster, god knows she didn't suffer bores well. And age had not made her kinder, nor more patient. If anything, it had done just the opposite. She was closer to death, and she needed to get on with living!
"Henry Smith. Ah, but don't worry about it, I'll go ask the staff." He muttered something else under his Scope-i-fied breath and walked away stiffly.
Rose got to her doorstep and almost took a spill when her gleaming purple walker got caught on a package left on the front mat. It took her about a minute to decide it was worth leaning down, especially after the day's earlier exertion, but curiosity got the better of her. Not to mention the scent of roses. Or was it fresia? As long as no one left her those godawful lillys with their bodacious boudoir perfume. She could think of a lot better ways to scent up a space. Which reminded her, John hadn't come around this week with her stash. Damn middle aged twit!
The orange and pink flowers were wrapped in a flyer - smudged, but once she opened it, very clearly not just something someone found laying around. The wooden effigy, geometric and centered on the light green page made her heart jump (well, either it was that or she was due for a pacemaker). The Man. Had someone been reading her mind?
She went inside and got on the phone with a travel agent, leaving the flowers in the sink in her haste.
"Hello, can you make me a reservation at Burning Man?"

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